


What are the 100 tags in HTML?


  1. <!DOCTYPE>: Defines the document type and version of HTML.
  1. <html>: Defines the root element of an HTML document.
  1. <head>: Contains meta-information about the document.
  1. <title>: Sets the title of the document.
  1. <meta>: Provides metadata about the HTML document.
  1. <link>: Defines the relationship between the current document and an external resource.
  1. <style>: Contains CSS styling rules for the document.
  1. <script>: Defines client-side JavaScript.
  1. <body>: Contains the visible content of the document.
  1. <h1> to <h6>: Headings of different levels.
  1. <p>: Defines a paragraph.
  1. <a>: Defines a hyperlink.
  1. <img>: Embeds an image.
  1. <div>: Defines a division or a section in an HTML document.
  1. <span>: Defines a section in a document.
  1. <ul>: Defines an unordered list.
  1. <ol>: Defines an ordered list.
  1. <li>: Defines a list item.
  1. <table>: Defines a table.
  1. <tr>: Defines a row in a table.
  1. <th>: Defines a header cell in a table.
  1. <td>: Defines a cell in a table.
  1. <form>: Defines an HTML form for user input.
  1. <input>: Defines an input control.
  1. <textarea>: Defines a multiline input control (text area).
  1. <button>: Defines a clickable button.
  1. <select>: Defines a drop-down list.
  1. <option>: Defines an option in a drop-down list.
  1. <label>: Defines a label for an <input> element.
  1. <fieldset>: Groups related elements in a form.
  1. <legend>: Defines a caption for a <fieldset> element.
  1. <iframe>: Defines an inline frame for embedding another document.
  1. <audio>: Defines sound content.
  1. <video>: Defines video content.
  1. <canvas>: Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript).
  1. <svg>: Defines a container for SVG graphics.
  1. <footer>: Defines a footer for a document or section.
  1. <header>: Defines a header for a document or section.
  1. <nav>: Defines navigation links.
  1. <article>: Defines an independent piece of content in a document.

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